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Thread veins

Thread veins

Have you ever wondered what those spider lines are on your face or your legs or any other part of your body? Well, they are thread veins. They are tiny prominent veins just below the skins surface, they can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly known on the face and legs. Thread veins are a sign of pregnancy, oestrogen treatment, topical steriod use, local trauma to skin and prolonged standing amongst other things. Thread veins will never go away on their own, while they don’t cause any problems, they tend to get worse over time. Do you ever wonder if they are normal? They are! They are normal skin blood vessels that have become permanently enlarged so that they are visible. Thread veins on the face are usually due to sun damage or rosacea on the skin. So, how are we getting rid of them? Our specialist Kirsten has been on a new training course called advanced electroylsis, this is to get rid of skin tags, thread veins and milia. If you’ve got thread veins that you want to get rid of, then come in and see us! Feel free to come and see Kirsten for a consulation to find out more about this service and why it would benefit you!

Lots of love Izzy and The F&G Team xx