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Get Your Feet Summer Ready

Indulge your feet with a Microdermabrasion Pedicure
They serve us well but our poor feet deserve a break too and what better way than with our luxury microdermabrasion pedicure. Our therapists will use the exfoliating action of Microdermabrasion to slough away hard skin, invigorate and stimulate the circulation, and get those feet smoother than they’ve ever been. Your feet will thank you for it. We promise.
It could be said that our feet are the most hardworking and under appreciated body part, so why not treat them to a little tlc? There are so many benefits to a Microdermabrasion Pedicure, here are just a few:
Remove heel build-up
It can be a nightmare trying to combat the dead skin on our heels – getting moisturisers to absorb can be impossible, whilst scrubbing them away by hand is exhausting and time consuming.
Let’s face it, being hunched over in the bathroom, working away at dead skin with a pumice stone isn’t a fun way to spend an hour. With a SkinBase Microdermabrasion Pedicure, you can sit back and relax while one of our wonderful therapists works their magic.
Ideal for sandal season
If you dread getting your feet out when the warmer months arrive, this is the pedicure for you. Microdermabrasion will remove all the dead skin from your feet. Also, thanks to stimulating the microcirculation and increased collagen production, a Microdermabrasion pedicure will leave your feet looking absolutely gorgeous.
Long lasting improvements
By removing the layers of dead skin, you’ll finally be able to take your foot care into your own hands. Creams will absorb properly, and a quick scrub with a pumice stone will help maintain your lovely smooth new feet.

Lots of love The F&G girls x